Maruyama, Hayabusa and upperclassmen delinquents try to participate in their school's Cultural Festival by making cotton candy cooked from improvised equipment. Acchan suggests to Hayabusa that Sakamoto should be invited to their booth and Hayabusa seemingly agrees until Fukase, a long time delinquent with a strange past, interrupts and forces Hayabusa to spill out about Sakamoto. Hayabusa didn't say anything about Sakamoto and Fukase uses the cotton candy machine to hurt Hayabusa. Meanwhile at room 1-2, the class is struggling to make their own booth by using balloons and Sakamoto improvises everything to make their balloon presentations look attractive and convincing. However, two slackers who are seemingly no help to other classmates left the room and sulk about Sakamoto's participation. Fukase approaches them, and suggest that the slackers should do something to damage Sakamoto's reputation...